
Hi!! Welcome to Willows

There are 2 members of staff in Willows this year. Mrs Glover is the class teacher and Mrs Meaney is our wonderful teaching assistant.



Our Topic for the Spring Term is “The Industrial Revolution” which we will be incorporating into most of our subjects. The Industrial Revolution will be heavily History based and we will be looking at history through the lens of those who lived in and around the time of the Industrial Revolution. To begin, we will be learning about the life of Queen Victoria and the impact she had on Victorian Britain and the rest of the world. We will then move onto look more specifically at the Industrial Revolution and how it has impacted the society we live in today.


In Maths we will continue to use the White Rose scheme and will be looking at multiplication and division. All the children will still have a focus on practising their times tables alongside weekly sessions of Mathletics. Please encourage them to have a go at home too using their own log-in details. 



Our English this term will also be linked to our History topic and we will be writing non-chronological reports and biographies.


Our History topic also links nicely to our Science this term where we will be looking at ‘properties and changes of materials’.

In Art we will be exploring textures, the use and representation of colour and moving on to creating their own art piece based on The Industrial Revolution.

In PE we will be exploring movement and balancing through gymnastics with Mrs Booth.

We are excited for another fantastic term and hope to earn the title of ‘Class of the Week’ bringing home the ‘Oakgrove Owl’ to our wonderful class.

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