
Hi!! Welcome to Willows

There are 2 members of staff in Willows this year. Mrs Glover is the class teacher and Mrs Meaney is our wonderful teaching assistant.



Our first topic for the Autumn half term is “Zootopia”  which we will be incorporating in most of our subjects. Zootopia will be heavily geography based and we will be looking at world geography through the lens of animals that live in different places. To begin, we will recap our learning on Eastern Europe and then we will move on to exploring and locating some major countries and cities in North & South America. We will then compare the landscapes, climates and plan a trip to the places we have learnt about.



In Maths, we will continue to use the White Rose scheme and will be looking at place value followed by addition and subtraction. All the children will still have a focus on practising their times tables alongside weekly sessions of Mathletics. Please encourage them to have a go at home too using their own log in details.



In English we will be using some key texts to inspire our writing,

Esio Trot by Roald Dahl which will inspire us to write instructions, a diary entry and even a codebreaker!

Safari Pug by Laura James which we will use to create a character description and a setting description.

Blue Planet 11 by David Attenborough to discover non-fiction texts and write our own non-chronological reports.

In Art we will be exploring storytelling through imagery, looking at artists such as Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. The children will have an opportunity to create their own stories using a range of mediums and materials.

In PE we will be exploring Dance and will also be going swimming this term. It is every Thursday morning, so please ensure the children have their swimming things in on that day.

We are excited for another fantastic term and hope to earn the title of  ‘Class of the Week’ bringing home the ‘Oakgrove Owl’ to our wonderful class.

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