
Hello and welcome to the wonderful Acorns!. In Acorns we have 2 staff members of staff, Mrs Brandreth the class teacher and Mrs Bastovanovic our teaching assistant. Acorns are the youngest children in the school, ranging from Years 1 to 3.


Our first theme during Summer is ‘The Great Fire of London’. During this history based topic, we will be learning about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally and globally, specifically the events on Pudding Lane in 1666. 



In English, we are continuing to practice writing our ‘High 5’ sentances. We are using different stories and non-fiction texts to engage us with our writing, the first book is ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’. We all have a daily phonics session, you will find useful games and resources at the following website:

There is an expectation that all of our children read or share books at home. If your child reads at home 4 times in a week, they will receive a Reading Raffle ticket, which enters them into a draw held every term. Everyone loves the Reading Raffle, as participants can win games, books and other exciting prizes.


In Maths we follow the White Rose scheme of work and we will begin this term by learning about Money, Weight & Volume. All of our children have login access to 

which they can access from home. You will find the sign-in  information in your child’s home -school diary.

Science, Art & PE 


In Science we will be learning about Plants. We will be identifying and naming a variety of plants and look at their basic structure, We will then observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants, investigate how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.


In Art, we will be drawing birds and creating bird sculptures and in DT we will be creating buildings from the Great Fire of London drawing out free-standing structures.


 Our PE focus for this term will be ‘Strike & Field’ and Athletics. Our PE lesson is every Wednesday, please send in an outdoor kit (a jumper, jogging bottoms, shorts & trainers). We will send PE kits home every half term. We will also be having a Boogie Bounce session every Tuesday and taking part in our school ‘Daily Mile’ to help us to keep healthy and be ready to learn. During the Summer Term, Acorns will also be going for weekly swimming sessions Thursdays.

We are really looking forward to another exciting term, and will be working extra hard to earn the prestigious ‘Class of the Week’ Oakgrove Owl!

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