
Welcome to Sycamores. There are 2 members of staff in Sycamores this year. Miss Harrison is the class teacher and Mrs Mosayebi is the Teaching Assistant.

Welcome back. It’s the start of the Summer Term!

Our topic is “The Past”. we will be incorporating this theme across most of the subjects, where we will be exploring aspects of Ancient Greece. 


In English, we will be linking our work to the Ancient Greece theme.  We will be learning about the Greek gods and myths, through the reading of texts in books and online.   We will be creating fact files and doing character analysis, exploring the Greek alphabet and lots more.

This term in Maths, we will be using the White Rose scheme of work. We will start by working on fractions then move onto length and perimeter. All the children will still have a focus on practising their times tables alongside weekly sessions on Mathletics. Please encourage them to have a go at home too using their own log in details.

In Religious Education, we will be investigating Hinduism.  We will research and explore their main beliefs, their special places, describe special festivals their holy books and the meaning of their Hindu symbols.

Programming with robots with be the theme of computing.  We will be learning about robots and their key features, plan, create and debug programmes and use algorithms.

Our Artwork will be based on making animated drawings.  We will discuss and evaluate a range of animators and their drawings.  Engage in creating our own characters using observational drawings to inspire us and use digital media to create own animations.

We have PE twice a week.  This term the focus will be on strike and field.  We will be developing movements with increased precision and ball control to transfer learnt skills to effectively play small group games.  Also, on a Tuesday we have a session of ‘Boogie Bounce’.  Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit and trainers in school, which will be sent home at the end of every half term.

We expect your child to be reading at home with an adult or older sibling at least 4 times a week.  This is very important in improving their reading and writing fluency skills.  Also, they will be rewarded with a raffle ticket weekly in assembly, whereby they have a chance in winning a prize!    

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