Welcome to Oakgrove Primary School

Governing Board

Oakgrove is a school for which the Governing Board are proud to serve and appreciate the commitment of all the staff.

School governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. No special qualification is required but enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are import qualities to bring to a governor’s role. All governors are volunteers.

Name Governor Position/committee Term of office
Eloise Scroggie
LA Governor
Chair of GB
01.01.22 - 31.12.26
Rob Metcalfe
Amy Alan
Co-opted Governor
19.07.23 - 18.07.27
Liz Cush
Co-opted Governor
10.06.19 – 09.06.23
Helen Eadie
Co-opted Governor
Chair of T & L Committee
22.03.21- 21.03.25
Andy Howard
Co-opted Governor
20.03.24 - 19.03.28
Caroline Brandreth
Staff Governor
T & L Commitee
13.01.21 – 12.01.25
Heather Newton
Co-opted Governor
T & L Committee
09.11.22 - 08.11.26
Elaine Robertson
Co-opted Governor
Chair of Resources
09.11.22 - 08.11.26

Governor Responsibilities

Chair of Governors – Eloise Scroggie

Vice Chair of Governors – Heather Newton

Chair of Resources – Elaine Robertson

Chair of Teaching & Learning – Helen Eadie

Pay Committee – Helen Eadie

Pay Appeals Committee – Amy Allen, Heather Newton

Safeguarding Governor – Eloise Scroggie

Health & Safety Governor – Eloise Scroggie

SEND Governor – Heather Newton

ICT Governor – 

Pupil Voice Governor – Eloise Scroggie, Helen Eadie

Wellbeing Governor – Heather Newton

Anti-Bullying Governor – Elaine Roberston

Parental Links & Parent Development Governor – Helen Eadie 

LAC / Young Persons Governor – Heather Newton

Development Governor – Amy Allen

All Governors are invited to attend the Steering Group meetings.



Oakgrove Primary School

How to be a Governor

Being a Governor is a great way to be part of Oakgrove whilst putting something back into the community.

Who can be a Governor?

  •  Parents who have been elected by parents at the school
  •  Staff elected by the Head, teachers and support staff at the school. The headteacher is invited to be on the Governing Body
  •  Persons appointed by Stockport Council know as the LA Governors
  •  Persons from the community usually appointed by the other members of the Governing Body

How long can you be a Governor for?

Usually a Governor is appointed for a period of four years but may subsequently be eligible for re-appointment or re-election.

How can I become a Governor?

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Oakgrove School please contact either the Headteacher or the Business Manager at the school. Then you can come along and meet us and help make a difference.

Privacy Notice for Governors

Oakgrove Primary School

What do Governors do?

Governors work as a team called the Governing Board.

The Governing Board is responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education. Raising educational standards in school is now a key priority. This has the best chance of happening when there are high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

Governors also promote effective ways of teaching and learning when setting the school aims and policies. They do this together with the head teacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

Every school must have a Governing Board. The membership will vary according to the type of school. The Governing Board has some discretion of the numbers of governors.

Governing Boards are responsible to parents, funders and the community. The Governing Board’s main role is to help raise standards of achievement:

• It is accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community

• It plans the school’s future direction with particular reference to the special needs of the pupils

• It selects the headteacher

• It makes decisions on the school’s budget and staffing

• It makes sure the National Curriculum is taught

• It decides how the school can encourage pupil’s spiritual, moral and social development

• It makes sure the school provides for all its pupils to meet their special needs and help them to achieve their potential

Declaration of Business Interest

Robert Metcalfe
None Declared
Date Form Signed 08.11.23
Eloise Scroggie
Chair of Governors
None Declared
Date Form Signed 08.11.23
Amy Alan
Deputy Headteacher
None Declared
Date Form Signed 08.11.23
Liz Cush
Bursar & Co-opted governor
None Declared
Date Form Signed 08.11.23
Helen Eadie
Co-opted Governor
None Declared
Date Form Signed 10.01.24
Caroline Brandreth
Staff Governor
None Declared
Date Form Signed 20.09.23
 Elaine Robertson
Co-opted Governor
Date Form Signed 08.11.23
Heather Newton
Co-opted Governor
Employed by Stockport Inclusion Service
Date Form Signed 08.11.23
Andy Howard
Parent Governor
Executive Head of New Bridge MAT
Date Form Signed 17.04.24


The Full Governing Board has 3 main meetings – one per term.

The sub committees meet once per term:

Autumn Term 2024

Steering Group – Wednesday 11th September @ 4.45pm

Teaching & Learning –  Wednesday 16th October @ 5.00pm

Resources – Wednesday 9th October @ 5.00pm

Full Governing Board Meeting – Wednesday  @ 5pm

Spring Term 2025

Steering Group – Wednesday  @ 4.45pm

Teaching & Learning – Wednesday  @ 5.00pm

Resources – Wednesday  @ 5.00pm 

Full Governing Board Meeting – Wednesday  @ 5pm

Summer Term 2025

Steering Group – Wednesday  @ 4.45pm

Teaching & Learning – Wednesday   – @ 5.00pm

Resources – Wednesday –  @ 5.00pm

Full Governing Board Meeting – Wednesday 

Attendance at Governing Board Meetings/Committees

Governors attend several meetings throughout the year, depending which committee they are appointed to.  The meetings are:-

Resources, Teaching and Learning, Steering Group and Full Governing Board meeting.  Each of these are held every term and attendance at these meetings are shown below.

Attendance at Governing Board Meetings

Attendance at meetings


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