
Welcome to Maples we are a mix of year 3 and year 4 children. There are two adults in Maples, Ms Whelan the class teacher and Mrs Meaney the teaching assistant.

Our first mini topic for this term is The Great Fire of London. We will be finding what London was like at the time of the fire, how the fire started, how long it lasted for the impact the fire had on the day.



In Maths we will be following the White Rose scheme of work continuing our fraction work and then statistics followed by the properties of shape. The children have a weekly session using Mathletics and will be given their details to be able to use their account at home if they wish.


In English we will be writing diary entries based on our topic. We will look at two books, The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams and Vlad and the Great Fire of London by Kate Cunningham.



In Art we will be concentrating on Sculpture and transforming a stick using our imagination.


This term in Science will be learning all about plants. We will find out about the parts of a plant, what they need to grow, how they transport water, how they reproduce and how seed are dispersed.


In PE Maples will be concentrating on developing our Strike and Field skills on a Monday. We will also have a ‘Boogie Bounce’ lesson on Tuesday and our daily ‘run a mile’ challenge. Please can you make sure that you send a full PE kit into school with trainers, which will be sent home at the end of every half term.

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