
Welcome to Sycamores. There are 2 members of staff in Sycamores this year. Mrs Bratherton is the class teacher and Mrs Loynd is the Teaching Assistant.

We are looking forward to the term ahead.

Our Topic this term is ‘The Vikings’ and we will be incorporating this theme across most of the subjects. We will be learning about where they came from, the impact of their arrival on the Anglo Saxons and what it was like to be a part of their communities. 


In  English, we will be linking our work to the Vikings. Completing character profiles, fact files and Settings.

Listening to the children read daily at home helps with their comprehension skills and vocabulary. 

We expect every child to read at home at least 4 times a week. Children who achieve this will be rewarded with a weekly raffle ticket and will be entered into a prize draw at the end of term where there will be the opportunity to win a variety of prizes.

We will focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout.

This term in Maths , we will be using the White Rose scheme of work. We will start by working on multiplication and division and then move on to length perimeter. Please support your child in practising their times tables.

Each week the children will go into the ICT suite and access Mathletics. This can be accessed at home too using their own log in details.

In Science we will explore states of matter. Leaning will include exploring Solids, Liquids and Gases. . We will also investigate the Water Cycle.

Our Art focus will centre around the Vikings and Anglo Saxons. The children will understand the importance of the shield both to protect and the importance and significance of the symbols on their treasured shield. They will also model the Longships that brought the Vikings over to invade.

Music will take inspiration from a country garden and the children will combine rhythm and pitch notation over 3 notes C,D,E to create a melody.

Tuesday afternoon is PE and Sycamores will be developing their gymnastics skills, building on last year’s movement vocabulary and incorporating this into their sequence and apparatus work. Please can you make sure that you send a full PE kit into school with trainers, which will be sent home at the end of every half term.

Each Thursday Sycamores will attend Cheadle Life Leisure. Please ensure they have their swimming costume/trunks and a towel ready for their lesson. A cost will need to be worn to and from the pool.

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