
There are two members of staff in Oaks this year. Miss Harrison the class teacher and Mrs Mosayebi is the Teaching Assistant.

Happy New Year Everyone. i hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and are ready for the new year ahead.

Mrs Mosayebi and I are ready to get back down to business as we have a busy term ahead getting ready for SATs next term.



In English we will be focusing on the following: Narrative, Rivet Boy Julian Gough, we will be basing our English work on this story and will be writing diaries, newspaper reports and some poetry.

Our Topic for the Spring term is “The Industrial Revolution”. This topic is history based and we will be using books, the internet and looking at artefacts to research what life was like during this time of amazing change and innovation. We will be finding about the monarch at that time, Queen Victoria, and what it would have been like for a child living in this period. We will also be finding out about some of the famous philanthropists that made it their duty to try and make life safer and better for the workers.

In Maths we will be looking at Multiplication and Division, We will be doing “Big Maths Beat That” on a weekly basis to help us learn our times tables, and we hope to improve our score each week.

Our Art work will be linked to the Industrial Revolution and we will be looking at some famous artists such as L.S Lowry and his paintings which depict the factories and life in our local area at the turn of the century. 

In Science we will be finding out about “Materials and their Properties” and “How Materials Change.”

In PE we will be doing Boogie Bounce on a Monday and Gymnastics which will be every Tuesday so please have your PE kits in on those days.


This term we will be having a visit from Stockport Bikeability who will be helping us to use our bikes more safely on the roads.

We’ve got a lot of learning to look forward to and we will have fun whilst we are learning

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