
Hello and welcome to the wonderful Acorns!. In Acorns we have 2 staff members of staff, Mrs Brandreth the class teacher and Mrs Breckwoldt our teaching assistant. Acorns are the youngest children in the school, ranging from Years 1 to 3.


Our topic for the Autumn term is “Zootopia”. This topic is geography based and we will be taking a closer look at the mysteries of tropical rainforests: from the layers of the forest and its animal inhabitants, to the unique climate found in the tropics. We will compare a British forest and the Amazon rainforest and begin to explore some of the conservation issues surrounding the destruction of the rainforest habitats.




In English, we will be practicing our letter formation and our sentence writing skills. Our lessons will begin with a focus on Stories with a familiar setting. After reading “Dear Zoo” and “Poo at the zoo”, we will be creating our own “Dear Zoo” story using a repeated sentence structure, researching what a zoo keeper does in the day and writing fact sheets about animals we find in a zoo. After the half term holidays, we will be focusing on information texts and creating our own leaflets about the rainforest.

In Phonics we will be following the “Letters & Sound” programme to help us recognise, recall and use phonemes.  You will find useful free games and resources at the foll9owing website:

There is an expectation that all of our children read or share books at home. If your child reads at home 4 times in a week, they will receive a Reading Raffle ticket, which enters them into a draw held every term. Everyone loves the Reading Raffle, as participants can win games, books and other exciting prizes.


In Maths we follow the White Rose scheme of work. During the Autumn term we will be learning about place value and addition and subtraction. Please explore the website  as parents/carers can access free resources for the children


All of children have login access to Mathletics which they can access from home. You will find the sign in information inside the cover of you home-school diary. 


Science, Art & PE 


Our Science focus is, Animals including Humans. We will begin by looking at animal young and comparing them to the adults, look at how animals change as they grow up, and be introduced to the life cycles of several varied common animals. We will look in detail at how humans change as they grow older, be introduced to the three basic needs of animals for survival (water, food and air) and how we can use this knowledge to look after our pets. We will also look at healthy lifestyles, including the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene, developing our ‘working scientifically’ skills through investigating the impact of exercise on our bodies.


In Art our enquiry question is, ‘How can we become open, curious, explorers of the world, and use what we find to inspire us to make art?’ We will be using a range of materials creatively use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share our ideas, experiences and imagination. 


 Our PE focus for this term is orienteering and dance. Our lessons are on a Monday & Friday. As the weather is getting colder and wetter, please send in an outdoor kit (a jumper, jogging bottoms & trainers). We will send PE kits home every half term. We will also be having a boogie bounce session on Tuesdays and taking part in our school ‘Daily Mile’ to help us keep really healthy and be ready to learn.

We are really looking forward to another exciting term, and will be working extra hard to earn the prestigious ‘Class of the Week’ Oakgrove Owl!

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