Our History topic for this term is Famous Historical People. We will be studying the lives of three historical figures, Queen Elizabeth 1, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We will begin to understand their contributions to British society and the world whilst learning about life in different eras and comparing it with our lives today. This term focus is Responsibility, we will be learning about the responsibilities these individuals took on in shaping society, making contributions to health, exploration and culture. We will be using biographies and historical sources to understand the actions and impact of these historical figures.
In English, we will be practicing our letter formation and our sentence writing skills. Our lessons will begin with a focus on Fairy tales. After reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ we will be writing letters to the characters we meet. We will then be reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and write newspaper reports about the exciting events through the story.
In Phonics we will be following the “Letters & Sound” programme to help us recognise, recall and use phonemes. You will find useful free games and resources at the foll9owing website:
There is an expectation that all of our children read or share books with you at home. If your child reads at home 4 times a week, they will receive a Reading Raffle ticket which enters them into a draw held every term. Everyone loves the Reading Raffle, as participants can win games, books and other exciting prizes.
In Maths we follow the White Rose scheme of work. During the Spring Term we will begin with a focus on Money and then move on to Multiplication and Divison. Please explore the website as parents/carers and access free resources for your children:
All of our children have log in access to Mathletics which they can access from home. You will find the sign in information inside the cover of your home-school diary.
Science, Art & PE
Our Science focus is ‘Uses of Everyday Materials’. We will be identifying and comparing the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses. Finding out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
In Art we will be exploring weather through art, using colours and patterns to represent different weather conditions. We will be looking at the work of Georgia O’Keefe.
Our PE focus for this term is Gymnastics. Our lessons are on a Tuesday & Friday. As the weather is getting colder and wetter, please send in an outdoor kit (a jumper, jogging bottoms & trainers). We will send PE kits home every half term. We will also be having a boogie bounce session on Mondays and taking part in our school ‘Daily Mile’ to help us keep really healthy and be ready to learn.
We are really looking forward to another exciting term, and will be working extra hard to earn the prestigious ‘Class of the Week’ Oakgrove Owl!
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